Just like precious china, society’s “norm” is formed in a kiln. A social norm is formed in a thermally insulated chamber of preconceived typical ideas that serve as the heat needed to produce in the kiln. Not even an afterthought of atypical thinking/doing. Seems that typical thinking is to be the only workable thinking to consider by the kiln masters!
How lopsided society norms are!
The typical society masters set up social norm rules to be followed, yet they break it all the time and then expect our atypical thinking to understand and uphold their normality?
Extensive studies into the social sciences field conceive norms as exogenous variables. Norms are mainly seen as constraining behaviour; a collective representation of acceptable group/cultural conduct – moral, social and legal norms and yet the lines are blurred except for the clear NO to NeuroDiverse norms, cause that calls for “lets-fix-it-mode” right!
It matters not where I ask or who I ask this why to, it keeps echoing back with a burst of horrible laughter filled with nothingness!
Should we not find the balance between typical and atypical norms to produce a flexible norm that can not be broken by NeuroTypical nor NeuroDiverse humans that would create acceptance of all to ensure a safe and free society for all?
If only we could learn to bend, blend and be more open minded to differences as a norm …
I do not have the answers though, just the question ...
An Autodidact / MultiPotentiolite / Content Creator / Designer / NeuroDiversity Activist / Poet / Genealogist / Mom-Tutor-Fundraiser-Activist / and more / simplyME!
♫ NeuroDiversity rocks the world – accept & adapt♫